post reflux morning

post reflux morning
is a sweet and sickly exercise
coughing out invasion
lungs thick with mistake

being late night hungry
does not mean satisfying that
with heavy meals
that want to escape later

but sometimes i forget
the cut off point
and i wake puking
and lay down struggling for breath

the weight needs to come off
the need for a health regimen
which would alleviate the tiredness
which prevents the health regimen

i am in a fight
and last night
i lost
and this morning i pay the cost

schedule evolves, world revolves

the evolving schedule
has key points in it
vitamins and fibre
chai tea
and work
and writing
communication with my wife
and now my baby

all these things need to be satisfied
for harmony to exist
and for peace to reign
and for me not to complain
that i am getting nothing done
these explain everything under the sun

sleep deprivation study unsolicited

working on sleep deprivation
with a no coffee dream of day
just trying to feed the body
some other kind of energy
to replace the mental effort
over the physical anchor
and keep the show rolling along

anger sits like an undercurrent
desire for understanding rides along
hoping for no confrontation
and eased social interaction
greased by good sense
it will work out

i am up early
i am showered
i have vitamined
i have set my mind
now i wait for my body to follow